On April 22, the world celebrates Earth Day, a global event highlighting the crucial importance of preserving our environment and biodiversity.

More than just a day, this symbolic day is the embodiment of a veritable movement whose mission is to raise awareness of environmental challenges, and inspire enthusiasm and concrete action to protect our planet.


The 1st Earthday took place in 1970 on the initiative of Gaylord Nelson, an American environmentalist senator, following a dramatic oil spill in 1969 in Santa Barbara, California. Since then, every April, millions of citizens, associations, institutions and companies around the world join forces to celebrate the Earth and support concrete actions in favor of the environment.

The theme of Earth Day changes every year, highlighting one of the many environmental challenges facing the planet. The theme chosen for 2024 is The Planet Against Plastic. The aim is to raise awareness of the risks of plastic pollution for the balance of life on earth, to work for an end to single-use plastics, and to support initiatives and technologies for a plastic-free world. It’s a challenge close to our hearts at Essential Parfums

Essential Parfums x Wings of the Ocean

This year, Essential Parfums is joining the movement by supporting the French association Wings of the Ocean in its fight against plastic pollution of the oceans.

100% of online sales on April 22 will be donated to the association for the collection of plastic waste on the Mediterranean and Atlantic coasts.

Attentive to the impact of our fragrances on the environment, Essential Parfums has always strived to offer responsible perfumery by placing sustainable development at the heart of its creative approach. Proactive in introducing refillable bottles to limit one-off packaging and reduce the carbon footprint of our products, our minimalist approach to packaging is also reflected in our emblematic cardboard boxes, made without glue or plastic.

This initiative with Wings of the Ocean reflects our commitment to eco-responsibility, while reinforcing our determination to create a plastic-free world.

Wings of the Ocean for the preservation of the oceans

Created in 2018, Wings of the Ocean is the leading French association working to protect the ocean by combating litter, particularly plastic litter.

A grassroots association first and foremost, Wings of the Ocean works throughout France through its local branches and missions. The association operates on the Mediterranean and Atlantic coasts, around the Etang de Berre, the Etang de Thau and the Bassin d’Arcachon on fixed missions. On the water, 2 vessels make up the association’s fleet: the Kraken, the association’s emblem, and the Scylla since 2022.

Wings of the Ocean carries out 3 clean-ups a week on each mission, raises public awareness to make the problem visible, and proposes and encourages alternatives to plastic consumption.

Celebrating Earth Day together

Every year, 8 million tonnes of plastic waste reach the oceans from inland areas. In some parts of the world, plastic accounts for up to 95% of marine litter.

Plastic never fully degrades in the environment, but fragments into tiny particles barely visible to the naked eye. 5,000 billion plastic particles float in our oceans.

By supporting Wings of the Ocean with your purchase on Essential Parfums on April 22, you are making a direct contribution to the preservation of the marine environment throughout France.

Join us on April 22 to celebrate Earth Day by making every purchase an action in favor of preserving our planet.


Refillable bottles, minimized packaging, ethical sourcing and highly natural compositions, we care about the impact of our fragrances on the environment and give priority to sustainable development in everything we do.


Our glass supplier is committed to sustainable development, adopting solutions to reduce the environmental impact of its production processes, notably by replacing gas-emitting furnaces with electric ones.


Our cardboard packaging is FSC-certified, promoting environmentally-friendly and recyclable forestry. We have also done away with plastic cellophane. Our boxes are printed with vegetable-based inks.


Our perfumers select natural, sustainable raw materials to create quality fragrances that respect local producer communities and preserve the environment. Our fragrances are between 86% and 93% natural, and the juices are macerated with vegetable beet alcohol, with no added coloring.

Made in France

Our components are made in France, and we are committed to Made in France production.


Thank you for joining us in our commitment to responsible perfumery.

To make a donation, take part in an action as a volunteer, or simply learn more about Wings of the Ocean, visit the association’s website here


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